Friday, September 24, 2010

School Bells are Ringing

 It seems like summer flew by too fast. Now it is time for another school year. I am back in classes at UNO. Halfway done, but a long way to go. Austin is in 4th grade this year. He still hasn't decided if he likes school but it is more fun than being home all summer. I guess I am that boring. Cole started Kindergarten and is loving it. He was very excited that some of his friends from preschool are there too. He loves to show me the pages they do in class and tell me all about the fun things they learn.


Bailey is in her first year of preschool. It is hard to believe she is big enough for preschool because the boys were 4 before they went. She is doing great and loves to go to her school.

This is a crazy time of year for our family and I am sure it will get crazier as the holidays get near. I am in class Monday thru Friday mornings, thanks to the grandmas for watching the little kids. I also have two evening classes on Tuesday and Wednesday. Poor Todd is home by himself with the kids. He does great but little baby butt, Gage, is still not sure he likes to be happy when mommy is not here.
Austin is a busy little boy these days. He and Cole are both doing Karate still. We have that on Monday evenings but once a month Austin is supposed to be at Boyscout at the same time. We still haven't figured out how that is going to work for the long haul.

Overall, life is going good. We are always busy but by now we get confused if we have spare time so I guess it works for us. I am looking forward to the holidays so we can hopefully see a lot of people we haven't seen in awhile.